
When preparing your trip it is better to plan everything in advance to avoid unnecessary worries. You can take care of the trip from the airport to Moscow and back in advance to save time and effort during your travel. Unlike taxi tariffs the transfer cost is fixed and known beforehand. There is no charge for additional services such as luggage and animals transportation. All payments are made online.

Once the transfer service is ordered and paid, you don't need to worry about your trip and luggage transportation from the airport to the hotel and back. Our driver will meet you with a signage at the exit of the arrival area at the airport and will take you safely to your destination in Moscow.

Transfer is very convenient if you are traveling with a child. Additional child safety seat should be booked in advance.

With the number of passengers up to 3 people you will be offered a car at a fixed price of 350 SEK for a one way trip, 600 SEK for a round trip.